Nipple-targeting seagulls. Old men rapping in a bathhouse. Drugs smuggled as Italian pasta. Welcome back to The Mole Song’s world. The third and final part of this series of manga adaptations, by IFFR regular Miike Takashi, is once again loaded with delicious madness. Following Undercover Agent Reiji (IFFR 2014) and Hong Kong Capriccio (IFFR 2017), this time the enemy are Itali...
A Girl and A Guy is a modern tale of young adults navigating the tricky world of relationships, connection, and intimacy in today's society. The film tells the story of a girl, the story of a guy, and the story of a girl and a guy.
小鬼头当家,24 小时全程作主不中断。
艾莉森和卡洛斯觉得他们老是对自己的小孩和同事说「不」,于是决定给三个孩子一个「有求必应日」:他们将在这 24 小时内对小孩言听计从。两人却万万没料到自己会因此在洛杉矶疲于奔命,踏上一场翻天覆地的冒险;更令人意外的是,这场冒险拉近了全家人之间的距离,家人间的情感也因此紧密相依。本片请到珍妮佛·嘉纳、艾格·雷米瑞兹、珍娜·奥蒂嘉、朱利安·勒纳和爱芙莉·卡格尼拉同台飙戏。