Aglaé Lanctot, 25-years-old, is as insecure as can be. As a result of being 'brought up' by an irresponsible mother and by an absent father, she can now find her balance only in a methodical life and a regular, well-defined job. For instance in being the most perfectionist vehicle crash test worker ever. So imagine her dismay when she learns that her factory is going to be relocated - in India. Losing such a structuring job is simply inconceivable. So much so that when Aglaé is offered to hold the same position but thousands of miles away from home, with pay cut and without the least social benefits, she - accepts. A few days later, Aglaé hits the road in an old Citroën Visa, accompanied by her two friends and co-workers Liette and Marcelle who, for reasons of their own, have decided to follow her example.
As devout Jehovah's Witnesses, sisters Alex and Luisa and their mother, Ivanna, are united in The Truth. Alex looks up to her confident older sister, while striving to follow in Ivanna's footsteps as a 'good Witness'. But when Luisa starts to question the advice of the Elders, she makes a life-altering transgression that threatens to expel her from the congregation. Unless Ivan...
玛丽娜(丹妮拉·维加 Daniela Vega 饰)是一名跨性别主义者,和一位名叫奥兰多(弗兰西斯科·雷耶斯 Francisco Reyes 饰)的男子正在同居之中。奥兰多虽然年长玛丽娜许多,但他包容而又善良,给予了玛丽娜许多快乐的回忆。然而,某一天夜里,奥兰多因为突发疾病被送往医院,最终不治身亡。此时的玛丽娜并不知道,比起失去爱人,她将要面的是比这残忍的多的事情。 玛丽娜想要参加奥兰多的葬礼,却被奥兰多的前妻严令禁止。与此同时,因为身份不明,她也将失去自己和奥兰多居住的房子。更糟的是,一名私家侦探被雇佣开始调查玛丽娜的隐私,因为她被怀疑和奥兰多的死有牵连。
名不见经传的小演员瑟琳娜·布鲁克斯(亚历珊德拉·索恰 Alexandra Socha 饰)渴望成名,多次试镜后,他联系到了一名小众导演亚拉巴马·切普曼(艾利克斯·赫特 Alex Hurt 饰),希望能在对方的长片中出演角色。数日后,瑟琳娜随着剧组其他成员驱车前往位于荒郊野外连网络和信号都没有的拍摄地。亚拉巴马精益求真,力求真实可靠,身边则云集了一群性格张扬的演职人员。令瑟琳娜始料未及的是,这是一个追求极度真实的剧组,真实到为了剧情可以真的去杀人。
女高中生本谷歌子(土屋太凤 饰)天真烂漫,有一次她虚报年龄和好友矢口三门(玉城蒂娜 饰)及其他姐妹参加了联谊活动。酒席上,不善言辞的冷面帅哥佐贺野功太(龟梨和也 饰)帮她解了围,事后借着酒劲儿,功太向身边的女孩表达了希望更进一步交往的想法。可当歌子把真实年龄说出来时,攻太却转热为冷,扬长而去。次日,歌子和好友遭到一名警察的盘问。令歌子她们惊讶的是,对方居然正是佐贺野功太。功太现年23岁,是音尾警察局地域课的巡查长。他刻意和未成年的歌子保持距离,并且警告女孩们要注意附近出没的变态。未过多久,歌子果然遭到变态纠缠。危机时刻,功太出手相助。似乎借着这件事,歌子开始转变对功太无情冷漠的看法,她无可救药落入了爱河之中。
Six people bound together by a traumatic experience decide to round off a year of group therapy in style. They join each other once more, traveling up to the Scottish Lowlands for a reunion weekend in a 1970s holiday let. Soon a number of mysterious and horrifying events start to expose the cracks in their relationships, and one by one they discover that trust runs but skin-dee...