When Paaru sees a fairy tale she heard from a stranger as a child painted across the walls of a coastal town, she goes in search of the man who painted it-Maara.
A light-hearted coming-of-age story of a lovable 60-year-old-man.
IAS officer Chanchala Reddy is imprisoned in a haunted house, while she is interrogated by law enforcers investigating a politician they suspect of corruption.
A young boy dreams of going to the junior sumo wrestling tournament in Tokyo to find his father and make him proud. That is until a global pandemic turns the world upside down.
Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beautiful love story. However, nothing is as simple as it would seem. Being influenced by three men with strong personalities, Aprilia needs to find the balance between adulthood and the choices of a young girl's heart. It's Christmas time and life holds for this talented beautiful girl only the presents that she is strong enough to grab.
Two 25-year-old men who meet by chance, fall madly in love, and are then separated due to an unexpected event. For the next thirty years they pursue the hope of finding each other again.
Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recounts the simple progress of their romance after they go home together. If the tale is not unusual, the telling is superb. The characters are sharply observed, with a strong sense of social context. Machaty's first talkie is a masterpiece of sophisticated early sound cinema. And the film's credits-Czech jazz founder Jezek, Surrealist poet Nezval, experimental filmmaker Hammid-provide ample proof that in pre-war Czechoslovakia, the avant-garde made significant contributions to mainstream production. (Elliott Stein)
SIJJIN, kisah tentang 5 malam penuh teror mematikan. Santet yang dikirim oleh sepupu sendiri yang ingin merebut sang suami.
Sebuah film horror terbaru dari Rapi Films, Sky Media, dan Legacy Pictures.
托马斯(Rafael Cardoso 饰)刚出生时,好几个星期双眼仍旧紧闭,身为医护人员的母亲认为,只要孩子准备好,便会自己睁开眼。而最先映入托马斯眼帘的,便是比自己大6岁、同母异父的哥哥弗朗西斯科(Jocatilde Gabriel Vasconcellos 饰)。那一眼,似乎注定了两人无悔的爱情。随着年龄增长,托马斯对弗朗西斯科日渐崇拜,弗朗西斯科对托马斯更是呵护备至。两人互动亲昵过火,让父母不知所措。虽担心兄弟俩逾越「常轨」,但家人仍选择包容他们相爱的可能。经过人事物的变迁,弗朗西斯科和托马斯终于成为爱侣。然而托马斯需要为奥运赛事远赴俄国泳训三年。血浓于水的两人是否禁得起分离的考验?
This is a story of a PVC awardee brave Indian soldier - Capt. Vikram Batra, who shot to fame and became a household name during the Kargil War in 1999. His indomitable spirit and his unflinching courage in chasing the Pakistani soldiers out of Indian territory contributed immensely in India finally winning the Kargil War in 1999.
生活对于六岁的男孩凡亚(柯里亚·史比里道诺夫 Kolya Spiridonov 饰)来说并不轻松,从小就在孤儿院长大他早就练了八面玲珑的处世技巧。一日,凡亚被告知即将被一对意大利夫妇领养,同伴们羡慕的眼光让他不经对未来的生活有了几分美好的相像。一个女人的到来打碎了凡亚松赛夫的幻想,女人想要寻找自己早已被人领养的孩子,却遭到了无情的辱骂,绝望的她最终选择了卧轨自杀。
蒙古小女孩娜莎(Nansal Batchuluun 饰)在石洞里捡到一只憨态可掬的小白狗,她将这个小家伙带回了蒙古包。但是父亲(Batchuluun Urjindorj 饰)却认为小狗曾和野狼生活在一起,必然会给他们带来灾难。娜莎不顾家人的反对,将小白狗偷偷藏起来。直到某一天,小白狗改变了家人们的看法……
One morning, somewhere in an isolated Romanian village, a boy wakes up his father to go into town. His father has promised that they’ll go to have their old TV set repaired. The village is not only remote, but a long way from life as most people know it in the twenty first century; if it rains, water floods the house and in order to cross the river, one has to improvise a foot bridge. After they reach town, the father and his son go to a specialist, Bichescu, who repairs their TV set and they both return happily home. The child even manages to get home in time to watch his favourite film starring Bruce Lee.
10 岁的阿捷(查理•哲华 Chalee Trirat)和奈娜(霍嘉丝•芝华顾 Focus Jeerakul 饰)是一对青梅竹马的好朋友,两人同样身为理发师的父亲虽然老死不相往来,但这两个小家伙却每天都在一起玩耍。清秀的阿捷热衷和奈娜玩一些女孩子的游戏,这也招致小霸王吉扎(查郎谱•狄锦邦提哇旺 Chaleumpol Tikumpornteerawong 饰)等人的嘲笑。男孩的心中都有一份倔强和不甘,阿捷为此狠下心和奈娜决裂,两个好友从此不再见面。阿捷随着吉扎他们来到男孩的世界尽情玩耍,却不知自己的青梅竹马正要举家搬到另一个地方……
本片荣获2004年上海国际电影节最佳导演奖、2004年泰国影评人协会最佳导演和最佳男配角奖(Chaleumpol Tikumpornteerawong)。
Matt, an influencer and young parent to newborn Julius, discovers a dark secret from his dementing father's past. He starts an in-depth investigation, which consequently opens a Pandora's box of secrets and unravels more family dramas than anticipated. Matt's wife, Liv, is deeply concerned and will do everything in her power not to lose him, but is it too late..?
一天晚上,Hutch(鲍勃·奥登科克 Bob Odenkirk 饰)位于郊区的家中遭两名小偷闯入。为了避免暴力冲突,Hutch没有为自己或是家人反击。他的儿子Blake(盖奇·芒罗 Gage Munroe 饰)对他感到很失望,他的老婆Becca(康妮·尼尔森 ConnieNielsen 饰)似乎也因此更加疏远他。这起事件激发了Hutch心中压抑许久的情绪和本能,促使他走上残酷的道路,将揭露他黑暗的秘密和致命的能力。在拳头、枪弹和急速行驶的车阵中,Hutch必须从危险的敌人(阿列克谢·谢列布里亚科夫 AlexeySerebryakov 饰)手中救出自己的家人,并确保别人不会再把他视作无名小卒。
著名瑞典儿童文学作家阿斯特丽德·林德格伦(Astrid Lindgren)系列小说Six Bullerby Children之一(美国出版名为The Children of Noisy Village)改编而成,导演便是后来广为人所熟知的莱塞·霍尔斯道姆(Lasse H allström)。原著最早在1960年被改编成TV剧,后于1986年、1987年,莱塞·霍尔斯道姆相继改拍了两部。
An estranged brother and sister reunite at their father's funeral and make a spur of the moment decision to fulfill their childhood dream of driving across Mexico on their old motorbikes.
Every little detail is captured on the grain (and in 4K) in a film where the diverse wildlife around a single oak tree plays out like a daily drama of life and death. An audience favourite, and a huge nature experience.
An oak tree is not just a tree. It is an ecosystem in itself, and a home to many different life forms at once. Featuring squirrels, herons, ants, deer and badgers, the French audience favourite ‘Heart of Oak’ unfolds the wonderful natural kingdom where everything is interconnected, from the roots to the crown. Starring an ancient oak tree – and with a camera that captures even the smallest detail – a daily drama of life and death unfolds as animals struggle for food, shelter and survival through the seasons. Shot in 4K, ‘Heart of Oak’ is a serious contender for the great nature experience of the year at the cinema. And by the way, the nearest oak tree is within cycling distance if you want to go and see for yourself after the film.
aan Singh and Prithvi Singh's families have been locked in a property dispute in a Court in India. When the Court gives a verdict in favor of Prithvi, Maan hires a bandit, Panna Singh, to kill Prithvi and all of his family. Panna only partially succeeds, and retreats badly wounded to a dense forest to escape Prithvi's wrath. But the harm has been done, Prithvi has lost his sister and other family to this vicious assault, and has vowed to avenge this by killing Maan's family, and he does so with partial success, thus incurring the wrath of Maan's Police Inspector brother, Suraj Singh. Prithvi then goes into hiding and is now called Daku Prithvi Singh. The only survivors from his family are his daughter, Chandra, his aunt, and her son, Himmat, while Suraj Singh lives with his son, Akash. Years later, an educated Akash meets with an uneducated Chandra and both fall in love with each. When their respective fathers' find out, they are told not to see each other again and their marriages' ...
A young apprentice healer tries to suppress his supernatural abilities so he can fit in with the other kids, but when a malicious spirit breaks out in his apartment he decides to use his abilities while dark family secrets are revealed.
When Ramona meets the charismatic Bruno on one of her strolls through the city, it never occurs to her that she might encounter him again the following day. Will an innocent flirtation get in the way of her career dreams and the perfectly good relationship she has with her boyfriend? A refreshing romantic comedy that sets the scene for the immortal feud between sense and sensibility.
巴塔哥尼亚高原上的某个边远小镇,有三个人在同一天里踏上了去圣胡里安市的路。退休后与儿子儿媳一家住在一起的老头儿东加斯托 (Antonio Benedicti 饰)听说多年前走丢的老狗“小丑脸”出现在圣胡里安市,不顾儿子儿媳的反对,夜里偷了钱离家出走寻狗。日夜奔波的推销员罗伯特(Javier Lombardo 饰)为了追求圣胡里安市一位单身母亲小店主,特意给她的儿子精心订购了一个足球生日蛋糕,开车向圣胡里安市进发。主妇玛利亚(Javiera Bravo 饰)赢得了一个参加圣胡里安市电视台彩色抽奖节目的机会,反复犹豫之后带着襁褓中的女儿也坐上了去圣胡里安市的汽车。三段旅程相互交织,一路上发生了许多温馨动人的小故事。
此片获阿根廷影评协会2003年最佳电影,最佳导演(卡洛斯•索林),最佳音乐,最佳男演员(Antonio Benedicti),最佳原创音乐,最佳艺术指导,最佳摄影和最佳音效奖。
A reboot of the famous Swedish saga "Jönssonligan" ("The Jönsson Gang")
马汉是一个住在巴西布宜诺斯艾利斯的年轻诗人,为了谋生,他有时不得不把他的点子卖给广告公司。 在蒙得维的亚,他认识了一个妓女,Ana,而爱上了她。 回到布宜诺斯艾利斯,为了赚钱和她相聚三天谈情说爱,他接受了公关公司的合同。在他心目中爱情的理想乐趣,就是在造爱中灵魂像升上半空一样。究竟他能够达到他一直找寻的境界吗?
When Paul decides to give up his boring but steady office job as a banker, this does not go down well with his children. Their dad wants to pursue his dream and become an actor. His youngest daughter Zoë is the only one who believes in her father. She encourages him and joins him in his adventure.
Kamal Mehra(亚尼·卡普 Anil Kapoor 饰)是一位成功的商人,但他的公司却濒临破产,他与妻子Neelam(Shefali Shetty 饰)感情不和,他们的儿子Kabir(兰维尔·辛格 Ranveer Singh 饰)不愿继承家业,而是渴望当一名飞行 员,女儿Ayesha(普里扬卡·乔普拉 Priyanka Chopra 饰)拥有一家旅行社,但因被安排嫁给Manav(Rahul Bose 饰)而郁郁寡欢。为庆祝父母的30周年结婚纪念日,兄妹二人邀请亲朋好友参加为期十天的海上旅行,而旅行的过程却并不平静……
The film explores the dark underbelly of Thiruvananthapuram where rival goondas clash in cold-blooded gang wars to gain dominion over the city's suburbs and slums.
Uncovered secrets, dirty politics and a good bit of murder drive forward Emilis Vėlyvis’ The Generation of Evil.
Gergö and his teenage friends are into three things: partying, sex, and their online following. One night, at a party, Lilla falls victim to the boys. A dare gets out of hand and the youngsters' world changes forever overnight.
A man under the spell of love decides to stay back and start working at the place he had come down for a vacation. He reverts to sending a letter to the woman he had fallen for, but the woman uses the vagueness of the letter to boost her mother's confidence, making her think she has a secret admirer.
Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At home, she's trying to figure out how to deal with living in a broken home. In the middle of all this chaos, she falls madly in love with an older, brooding heartbreaker. When her love story comes to a humiliating end, and she is publicly scorned, she decides to take her life in her hands and accepts Shamira's challenge to stand against her in the school elections. Whatever the final outcome might be, Gippi makes sure she has a great time in the journey, filling it with delicious desserts, funny teachers, school crushes, and Shammi Kapoor dances. Gippi is a coming-of-age story of an ordinary, overweight girl, who, through the course of the film, learns to love herself for ...
阿卡什(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)是一个不相信爱情的男人,他相信激情,同时也坚定的认为,爱的存在会破坏激情导致它最终变得索然无味。撒米尔(赛尔夫·阿里·汗 Saif Ali Khan 饰)和阿卡什不同,他坚定的认为生命里有一个命中注定的女人在等待着他,然而,他并不确定这个女人什么时候会出现,甚至有时还会怀疑,这样的女人真的存在吗?
西达斯(阿克夏耶·坎纳 Akshaye Khanna 饰)对爱情的理解比另外两位要稍微深刻一点,他知道被爱的感觉,同时也懂得如何去爱别人。这样性格迥异的三人,在机缘巧合之下成为了好友,而对待爱情的三种不同的态度,会让他们邂逅怎样的女子呢?
《喀比的前世今生》(44屆)及〈那條線〉(《湄公2030》一段)後,安諾釵繼 續她的獨步古今三鑒印:風景查察、場所辯證及電影式展述。來自劇場三男一 女出遊古道尋幽,河邊小屋有時排練有時夜話,一夜裏醉意交流情意浮現。另 一邊廂,林中有孤單女生潛行,是意識量子離留,抑或男生塵世之身聚成?無 主導敘事,分割畫面有意呼應,安諾釵的超世探索並非只破不立,答案可能就 在意識出入間。死亡鐵路之行,煙花散落,醒來一刻,時空因我牽動。
Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.
What follows is no traditional action film, but a thriller with snatches of comedy, in which the enemy isn’t hidden behind masks, but is in the minds of the liberators. Before they act, they have to overcome their personal demons. Comparisons to the school hostage-takings in Beslan and Kazan are obvious, yet Karatas – the mythical village where much of director Adilkhan Yerzhanov’s work is set – could be anywhere. It is universally acknowledged that crises bring out people's true natures.
这里是迦太基的新区,现代建筑与废弃荒地并存之地,人们在建筑工地的中央发现了看门人的焦尸。Batal和 Fatma负责调查此案,他们决定从邻近码头的工人开始盘问,可很快这起案件就被上面以自焚结案,这种处理让人感到非常绝望。但调查二人组并不接受这个结果,因为他们心中仍有很多疑惑。比如为什么看门人偏偏选择在一个如此隐蔽的场所自焚?因为通常自焚者为了引起大量的社会关注,都会选择在市中心这样的地方进行。几天后,在同一片街区,同样死法的尸体再次出现在了废墟中央,而这一切才刚刚开始……