2023 剧情片 剧情

The plot features Eugenio, a young jeweller who in the late sixties meets Conchita on a bus in Barcelona. They instantly fall in love and he learns to play the guitar to accompany her in her music career, for which he will have to fight stage fright. When Conchita has to go away for two weeks, she convinces Eugenio to perform by himself. When she returns, he has become a sensat...

2013 动画片 动画

屹立于中世纪的加布莱尼亚王国,曾经是骑士辈出的勇者之乡,但现如今司法已占据绝对的统治地位,舞刀弄剑不再受到褒扬,精通法律的人才会受到尊敬。瘦弱青年贾斯汀(弗莱迪·海默 Freddie Highmore 配音)是一名著名律师的儿子,他不愿像父亲那样走上法律的道路,而是希望成为爷爷罗兰爵士那样的传奇骑士。在祖母的鼓励下,贾斯汀踏上了追寻梦想的冒险旅程。路上他结识了酒吧女孩塔莉娅(西尔莎·罗南 Saoirse Ronan 配音)、怪怪巫师梅尔的您朋友,骑士的修行路上充满挑战。   与此同时,贾斯汀所在的王国内,一伙罪恶之徒正悄悄实行着一系列邪恶的计划。命运将匡扶正义的使命交付在贾斯汀的手中……

2016 喜剧片 喜剧

二十世纪福斯影业2016年度动作喜剧强档钜献,2016西班牙本土电影开票冠军;哥雅奖最佳新进女演员玛丽亚莱昂翻转戏路演出、超狂!超恶搞!宛如爆笑版《不可能的任务》!   你永远不知道你的生命掌握在谁手上,一个极机密的特务组织,网罗世界各地的鲁蛇好手,他们的荒谬和愚蠢程度双双破表,但众人万万没想到,维护世界和平的重担,竟然落在他们身上,只有他们能及时阻止一场大规模恐攻的发生,拯救世界免于毁灭...   《鲁蛇特攻队》集合西班牙各地区奇葩,马其顿软趴趴、加泰隆尼亚王聪明、安达鲁西亚女汉子、巴斯克熊男、以及西班牙民族主义脑残粉,组合成这支性格各异的「精锐」团队。

1998 喜剧片 剧情

  A shambling, out-of-work actor, desperate to win back the affections of his ex-girlfriend, unexpectedly stumbles upon a way to turn back the clock.

2022 剧情片 剧情

  When Ramona meets the charismatic Bruno on one of her strolls through the city, it never occurs to her that she might encounter him again the following day. Will an innocent flirtation get in the way of her career dreams and the perfectly good relationship she has with her boyfriend? A refreshing romantic comedy that sets the scene for the immortal feud between sense and sensibility.

1987 恐怖片 惊悚

  这是一部电影中的电影,约翰(迈克尔·勒纳 Michael Lerner 饰)是一名眼科医生,一次工作中,他因为琐事同一名女病人吵了起来,结果不出所料,约翰丢掉了他唯一赖以生存的工作。回家后,约翰将事件的来龙去脉讲给了自己的母亲爱丽丝(赛尔达·鲁宾斯特恩 Zelda Rubinstein 饰)听,母亲闻后十分愤怒,为了报复,她催眠了自己的儿子,将约翰变成了喜欢收集眼球的变态杀人狂。