Lucy Worsley explores how the history of three of Britain's founding national events are in fact carefully crafted mythologies. The Wars of the Roses, the Glorious Revolution and the creation of the British Raj are all revealed as carefully-constructed narratives created by the victors at the time and embellished by historians, novelists and film-makers ever since.
A man convinced that Lucifer was within him brutally murdered his wife and child in satanic sacrifice. Now, years later, Eric, Hayley and their daughter Penny, move into the same house after being left unsold on the market. They think they got a good deal - but what they don't know is that the House on Elm Lake has for centuries been home to the servants of Lucifer and that it ...
A romance sparks between a young actor and a Hollywood leading lady.
本片根据Peter Turner所写的同名传记改编,讲述了奥斯卡奖得主、40/50年代“黑色电影”女神之一Gloria Grahame(Annette Bening饰)的晚年生活。当57岁的Gloria Grahame患上癌症时,一位年轻的演员Peter Turner(Jamie Bell饰)进入她的生活,照顾这位行将离开人世的女演员,两人也渐生情愫。
故事发生在遥远的1500年前,沃提根(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)背叛了自己的哥哥尤瑟王(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰),导致了人类和巫师之间维系了百年的平衡被打破。幸运的是,尤瑟王唯一的后裔逃过了一劫,这令他的血脉并不至于就此断绝。
一晃眼15年过去,小小的婴儿被取名为亚瑟(查理·汉纳姆 Charlie Hunnam 饰),成长在社会的最底层,并且对自己的身世一无所知。沃提根杀死了哥哥之后独揽大权,施展自己的铁腕统治手段,一时间民不聊生。一次偶然中,亚瑟拔出了一把深深插进了巨石中的宝剑,在传说中,这把剑只有拥有王室血统的人才能够举起。这一消息很快就传到了沃提根的耳中,亚瑟遭到了逮捕。
阳光开朗,热爱冒险的罗宾(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)邂逅了温柔美丽的戴安娜(克莱尔·福伊 Claire Foy 饰),两人坠入了情网并且很快便决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂。可是,在罗宾二十八岁那一年,一场可怕的疾病带走了他人生的全部可能和希望,患上了小儿麻痹症的罗宾丧失了全部了行动力,甚至连呼吸都要依靠着机器维系,医生预言,罗宾最多能活三个月。