2023 剧情片 剧情

  静谧的街上有一家奇特的“涩谷百万 ICE CREAM”冰淇淋店,对来访的陌生少女产生情愫的冰淇淋店员、拿过芥川奖后自此销声匿迹的小说家、表面乐天却又藏著秘密的女职员,在那如发烧般的炙热夏天,女孩们在那难解的世界一隅找到了属于自己的幸福。

2023 剧情片 剧情


2023 剧情片 剧情

昭和末年,年轻的钢琴师博于日本银座的歌厅演奏,一边寻找爵士乐真谛。在神秘帮派分子的怂恿下,博弹奏起电影《教父》的主题曲〈Love Theme〉,未料这首曲子有个广为人知的禁忌:统治银座地下世界的帮派首领,只允许他最锺爱的钢琴师南弹奏此曲。一首乐曲的演奏,意外牵连两个钢琴师的命运,也揭开银座夜晚谜样的序幕。

2023 剧情片 剧情

  Haru, a bookstore clerk, talks to Yukiko pretending to ask for directions. Haru has detected deep sorrow on Yukikoʼs face. Meanwhile, Haru has been spending days following Tsuyoshi discretely and checking his expressions. In the past, when Haru had lost her mother as a junior high school student, she met and talked separately to Yukiko and Tsuyoshi by chance who seemed to suffer from heartache. The action was brought by the remorse that Haru couldnʼt help her mother while knowing her sadness. Haru has kept watching Yukiko and Tsuyoshi now and then. Occasions that Tsuyoshi, who has been aware of Haruʼs behavior, appears at her workplace and Haru once again talks to Yukiko unfold new dimensions in each relationship. Haru confronts with her own feeling toward her mother and grief during the days passing with the two.