2013 喜剧片 喜剧

巴伐利亚本土侦探喜剧《蒸面布鲁斯》(2013) 揭开兰茨胡特田园风光掩盖下朴实面孔的居民的黑暗秘密,除塑造沉默寡言的反英雄式警察主角外,在方言环境下利用对单调随意的乡村生活的刻板印象和一系列古怪可爱的配角来制造黑色幽默。片中特写时常以独特的打光方式强调角色瞳孔的反光,以   表现其狂热痴迷。(小易甫字幕组)

2013 剧情片 剧情

Paul Averhoff was once a great marathon runner, the gold medal   winner at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Now over 70 and forced to   live in a nursing home, Paul rejects the singing group and handicraft   classes for his old running shoes and announces that he is training   for the Berlin Marathon, which he intends to win.