2014 爱情片 爱情

故事发生在抗战初期的江南古镇,此时的日寇已侵占华北一路南下。经父母之命媒妁之言,年轻女子雨莲(沈秋雨 饰)嫁到殷家,进门当天,素未谋面的夫婿殷明轩逃婚参加了抗日游击队,殷家颜面大失,急中生智的殷家决定让弟弟明皓(沈涛 饰)代兄拜堂,总算暂时遮掩过去。随着战事推移,战火很快烧到了江南,明皓与雨莲的婚姻也象此时的时局一样经受着残酷的考验。噩耗传来,明轩在战争中阵亡,全家陷入悲痛之中,悲伤过后,明皓与雨莲的心渐渐靠拢在一起。战争无情地席卷到小镇上,决心为兄报仇的明皓告别了心爱的雨莲,投入到民族解放战争的洪流之中......

1996 爱情片 剧情

  During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring